Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday Night Lights

Since Tyler has been called to be the Branch President, I have has to become creative with how to entertain the kids on my own at times.  Typically, a Friday night would equal pizza and a movie at this house, but with no dad, we had to improvise.
Instead we:

- Flew Max's kite that he's had since March.  Turns out this kite requires gale force winds!  But we got a couple of runs out of it.

- Built a tent in the living room

- Ate grilled cheese in our tent

- Played Disney Yahtzee - championship goes to Logan

- colored in our tent

- Ate round 2 of grilled cheese sandwiches in our tent

- Started reading our new book: Nicholas St North and the Battle of the Nightmare King 

- Bathing

- and we finished the night by finishing Deuteronomy (5 Books of Moses down!) and a sock bomb war.  Fortunately dad was home in time for that part.  

I think I did pretty good on my own.  Who am I kidding...I've been doing this for years! 

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