Sunday, January 30, 2011

Resolution Revolution

I've decided to start a resolution revolution. The revolution will come in the fact that I did not resolve to do anything for the New Year, but now I feel fired up, and so I'm resolving to make some changes for February 1st. That still counts, right? Whatever. I'm all about making it unique. Or maybe it's because the month of January has been the month of sick, and I'm ready for some change...and since life isn't changing on it's own, I'm going to make the changes.
I know that January is peak season for colds and flu, and my children are at the age where they're bringing everything home and spreading it through the family, but we have been sick for about 5 weeks straight. Literally. NO exaggeration. Time for a change. So I've been looking into some holistic approaches to healing but mostly, I've been looking at our diet. I try really hard as the meal provider in our family, to make healthy choices, but I know we could definitely do better. Way better. I've excused a lot of things, that I really shouldn't, and our being sick for so long has really motivated me to do better.
In study the Book of Mormon over the last few months, a number of different things have stood out to me. One of those is the 'health' of the Nephites and Lamanites. There isn't a lot of mention of disease or illness in the book of mormon. And I've also been thinking about the Word of Wisdom in the last while and thinking about the fruits and vegetables and grains of every kind, and 'meat sparingly'. I think meat at every dinner, is not sparingly. There's a reason we've been counseled that way, and I want to live more in line with those teachings. I know there's wisdom in it. "Health in the navel, marrow to their bones, and shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures; and shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint." Those are pretty awesome promises, and things that I would like to cash in on for myself and for my kids.
I certainly don't know a lot. I feel like I could spend 4 years getting a degree in biology, chemistry, and nutrition before I'd be satisfied with my knowledge, but I'm going to start tomorrow, with what little knowledge I do have.
I also know that if the food doesn't taste good, no matter how good it is for us, we won't eat it. So that's part of the trick of it all too. Because eating is supposed to be fun.
I have begun reading a lot, but I've kind of opened a bag of worms here, because there is obviously a lot to know. And I live with the science guy, so I need to know my stuff to convince him.
I'm tired of feeling tired at 30. I can get 9 hours of sleep and still feel like I need a nap by 3:00.
I was reading in the book of Mormon and came across Alma 46:40 where it says:
And there were some who died with fevers, which at some seasons of the year were very frequent in the land - but not so much with fevers because of the excellent quality of the many plants and roots which God had prepared to remove the cause of diseases....
I jokingly said i needed to get some of those plants and roots!
We don't struggle with weight (at this point) in our family which has been a blessing, except that we have been able to 'get away' with eating almost anything and not having it show on our waist line, but our health over the past few months is evidence to me that there are a lot of factors to good nutrition.
It seems to me that there was a time when people understood food far better than we do now. That they knew what foods to eat when, and what they did to their bodies. But now food is just so mass produced, and it's just given to us that we eat almost anything, without a knowledge of what it is doing to our bodies, until it is too late. So here is my revolution. I'm going to learn it. I know it will take me a while, but health is worth it to me. And my kids deserve it.

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