Wednesday, April 28, 2010

So Big!

We finally had a Doctor's appointment today for Logan and I. This was supposed to be our 6-week post-pardum visit. Logan is 10 weeks old. The appointment was originally scheduled for the 6-week mark, and on the day of, I was all organized and getting things going so we could make it to our 1:15pm appointment. For days I had been thinking I should just look at the calendar to confirm the date and time, but didn' can see where this is going right? So finally at 11:45am, as the kids are eating some lunch, I look at the calendar and see that our appointment was for 11:15am...not 1:15pm. Mommy-brain! So I called and apologized and rescheduled for the following week. That time, we had sickies, so we rescheduled the appointment because no one felt like leaving the house. So here we are at 10 weeks, having our 6-week appointment. Logan is 9lbs 4 oz and 23 inches long. Pretty on par with all of the charts, not that we worry about that too much. He's alert and smiling and starting to jabber, which is just the best. Except his favorite time to jabber is usually right after his 5am feed...not my favorite time for baby-talk. Although it's hard not to indulge him, because his voice is so cute. He's sleeping pretty good. He can usually go about 6 hours at night and has 3 good naps during the day and a few cat-naps in the evening. It's not exactly perfect, but at least it's predictable for the most part.
Tomorrow we have an appointment for his first set of immunizations. I always have mixed feelings. I feel bad for the little guy having experience the pain, but happy to know that a moment of pain and a few days of aching equate to a lifetime of health. Plus, a recently immunized baby is usually a little bit sleepy - so I can count on some decent naps - at least tomorrow afternoon. Lucy is also getting her preschool vaccination tomorrow along with Logan. She's not the least bit impressed or excited about. The appointment has been scheduled for about a month now, but I only told her about it yesterday. There were tears and questions, and all I could do was to reassure her was that the benefits outweigh the cost. And I promised that the public health nurses usually give out stickers to good patients.
The other 'big' aspect to our day was the dentist bill I received today after my 2+ hour visit to get some cavities filled. Being students with no medical or dental coverage, living in a trailer on your in-laws property with 3 young children definitely qualifies you as the type of people who can afford an $859 dentist bill...during tax season...when your husband has to take the day off work in order to watch those 3 children so you can actually GO to the dentist...especially when it comes with the knowledge that they only worked on the left side of your mouth, and the right side is still to be done! Needless to say, I came home in tears. My mouth feels better - and it's cheaper than letting them rot and getting a root canal at some later date...I guess it's another one of those "the benefits outweigh the cost" type situations. Although I didn't get a sticker or anything. And two hours away from the house, by myself is not really relaxing when it involves a lot of drilling, poking, rinsing, and jabbing. Seriously, those rubber damns are annoying. Lucy followed me around the house for about half an hour after getting home just rubbing my side, or back, or whatever she could reach (I'm referring to my bottom) to help me feel better. I'll have to remember to do the same for her tomorrow...I'll probably avoid rubbing her bottom though.

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