Monday, October 19, 2009


We had an eventful day today. I had an ultrasound scheduled for 8:30am today in beddington. Booked it that early because Tyler told me earlier was better, not realizing that when he said earlier, he meant 10 rather than 11 and came to the realization the night before that if we were to get to beddington by 8:30, in rush-hour, we'd have to leave at about 7:15am...! blah. We were bringing the kids with us as well, because they were both excited about seeing the baby and finding out 'what it was'. So we loaded into the van at about 7:30 and were off. We ended up getting there about 8:15, but I wasn't taken in until about 9am, and then the kids and Tyler had to wait in the waiting room until about 9:45, before they could come in and see. It was a painfully long morning, but the kids enjoyed seeing the baby on the TV screen and then finding out that we're having...a boy! The two kids and Tyler both thought it was a boy, and I didn't really know. We are very excited to have another boy come into our family and having been debating a lot about names. Lucy kept saying that she thought it was a boy, but she was hoping it was a girl. So I told her that her and I would just have to be the two special girls in our family. She keeps telling me that the boys are going to be off playing hockey and Max won't play with her anymore. She's so sweet. I reassure her that it'll be quite a while before the baby was old enough for them to 'go off' and do things, and if they do, her and I will have to do some girl things. We asked Max what he wanted to name the baby and he said "Max". We asked him if he thought that would be confusing to have two Max's and if we called "Max" then how would they know which one we were calling. He said he would just carry the baby and they both would come. So sweet. Since my ultrasound, Max seems to have brought out all the boyisms he can think of which makes me excited and nervous to have another boy. More climbing, jumping, angry-eyes, and growling...but also a lot of excited playing, cuddling, and energy. It's going to be great.


David and Cheryl said...

Congratulations! That is exciting that you are expecting another!!!

Erica said...

Yay!! So excited for you. Hope you're hanging in there. We're praying for you guys.