Sunday, October 21, 2012

Calgary Temple Open House

Our trip to Alberta was fantastic.  I loved every minute of it and had a hard time coming home.  Normally two weeks out of routine and out of our own beds has me wishing for the flight home...but not this time.  I really wasn't ready to come home.

We arrived on Wednesday afternoon and our first stop was the new Calgary temple on Thursday.  I was so grateful that my sister planned her wedding during the time that the Open House was still going on in Calgary.  I still remember what it was like when I was young and got to go through the Cardston Temple when it was being rededicated.  When I went again as a youth, I remember everything.  And when I went as an adult the celestial room felt comfortable and like home.  I wanted that experience for my kids.

It was everything I hoped.  The kids were so well behaved.  They were reverent and enjoyed it.  Lucy walked around with her mouth open almost the entire time.  She especially loved the Bride's Room and the Celestial Room.  She held her hands over her mouth because she didn't want to scream.  So sweet.

I loved giving each of my kids a hug in the Celestial Room, knowing that I would be back there with them again someday.  I can't wait.

Afterwards, we took our time getting some photos taken outside, and then headed out for dinner.

Unfortunately, while we were out for dinner, Tyler's grandma tripped over a little girl's foot and fell.  She ended up breaking her pelvic bone and that has changed things a lot for the family.  She spent the remainder of the weekend in the Canmore Hospital, and then we set up a bed for her in the music room at Tyler's parent's house.  It's going to be a long recovery for her, but she is in good spirits so far and she is one tough cookie.

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