Friday, December 17, 2010

Perspective - Short and Sweet

We're having fun and enjoying getting ready for Christmas. We're exhausted ALL the time. I've heard so many times this month 'December is a busy time for everyone.'. It's SO true this year. I feel like more and more keeps getting piled on. How do you prioritize? There are church commitments, work commitments, school commitments, and family commitments. We've been terribly sick this week and Tyler was in Ottawa for job interviews, so I had to manage on my own...and I did (more on that later). But it has put things into perspective. Most of it doesn't matter. My kids won't remember all the Christmas parties that we did or didn't go to, but they will remember if Christmas carried a happy Spirit or a Stressed one. So I'm slowing down. Sitting on the couch watching Mr. Magoo's Christmas. They may not remember the moment,, but hopefully the warm feelings will last.

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