Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baby Doctor

Today we had an appointment with the Baby Doctor, so the kids and I loaded into the van early this morning and made the drive into the city. It only took about 30 minutes, but Lucy said it took FOREVER! She's always so rational. They sat and played with the toys for a few minutes until Max got a puzzled look on his face and walked over to me. "Mom? Are we getting the baby OUT today?" No, not today son...and trust me, I won't be bringing you to the doctor on THAT particular day. They have both been very curious about this baby brother and what exactly he's DOING in my belly and how is he going to get out. I gave them a very G-rated summary of how baby's are born...some get pushed out (I left it at that) and other times the doctor cuts open the mom to take the baby out and then sews the mom back up again. Max asked me if they use scissors. One day we were at the zoo in the hippo house and Lucy watched the birth video of the baby giraffe with her dad that they have playing there. She turned to me wide-eyed and said, "MOM! That giraffe just came out of the mommy giraffe's butt!" I saw her quick glance to my belly and realized that the g-rated version was now replaced by a much more graphic one. We haven't talked about it much since then. But they do ask me a lot about the umbilical cord and how the baby gets his food. Lucy has felt him kick a few times and really enjoys that. One time, Max yelled at my belly, "HI LOGAN!" and the baby gave a huge kick in response. It was pretty sweet. We are now 29 weeks...not much time to go and I still don't feel ready for three...when do you think I will? a few years from is my guess...probably about the time we start talking about #4.

1 comment:

David and Cheryl said...

That's such a funny story! Lucy's eyes were probably the size of hockey pucks when she saw that birth video! lol
Our kids have taken their own twists on how the baby comes out; and I've just rolled with it! They think my belly button (or lack of)is a magical button that only the doctor pushes once the baby's ready to come out and magically my tummy opens up and the doctor grabs the baby out! Ta Da! Just like that!
Good luck with the count down! We're really excited for ya!
I feel the same way about being ready for #4! I've only got a few weeks left and I haven't even got our bags put together yet!!AH!
Take care and Merry Christmas!