Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Craze

Christmas is over, but an entry dedicated to those few crazy days is needed. Tyler, Lucy and I went to our ward on Christmas Eve and enjoyed the Christmas program presented by the Cochrane ward. Then we quickly headed over to my parents' house for our traditional Christmas Eve dinner and 'hanging out'. After stuffing ourselves on some of the world's finest food creations (roast potatoes, stove-top stuffing and gravy, being a few of my favorites), we shared a Bourne-family "twelve days of Christmas" song that Tyler and I wrote, and everyone else headed to the Heritage Park Nativity, while our family went to the Mundy's for the annual Christmas Party. There, we visited with all of Tyler's extended family and participated in the usual gift exchange. The family is getting so big now that a fun exchange of gifts turned into a 2-hour event. At the end of that party we headed back to mom and dad's for the night. it was pretty late and by the time we got there, all other children had gone to bed and Lucy headed there pretty quick too. The adults stayed up for a bit attempting to play a few games, but instead ended up sharing stories of when we've been the most scared. How does that topic always come up late at night?
The next morning, we arose at a decent time (8:30am) as we had to wait for Trevor G to get home from the Fire Hall. The chaos began, and 2 1/2 hours later the mountain of presents were opened. We all settled down for a delicious meal of pancakes and got little ones back off to bed for a much needed nap. Again, the adults played games and got ourselves somewhat cleaned up.
After Lucy's nap we headed to Williamson's to exchange gifts with them and have their traditional Christmas Day dinner. Much of the same fixings. Mmm-mm, two days in a row!
We slept in our own beds Christmas night. On Boxing Day, I headed out to the mall to get my hands on a few deals and Tyler and Lucy went to the Cochrane chapel with his family to play volleyball.
It was a crazy few days, but fun to spend time with both family's. Christmas is getting so big, we'll have to start hosting Christmas morning in our own home soon and visiting all the relatives here and there.

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