Saturday, December 23, 2006

Setting up for Christmas 2006

We had a fun time setting up the Christmas tree and letting Lucy participate. The Christmas tree box had been sitting in our living room for a couple of days and I had to keep telling her we had to wait for Daddy's muscles to open the box. Finally, he waiting was over and we opened the box and set up the tree. She kept repeating throughout the process, "Wow, cool!"
She enjoyed the lights and helping to put decorations on the tree. Each decoration she tried to put on the tree she would put on the same branch so it got pretty weighted down and we had to redistribute the decorations onces she was done. She ended up getting pretty goofy as the night went on when she realized that we were interested to see how she was reacting to everything. It became a bit of a show.
Surprisingly, Lucy was really good about not touching the tree or decorations once it was all set up. We had a nativity set on a low shelf for her to play with as she was fascinated with the baby Jesus and Mary.
She didn't take too well to most Santa decorations this year, but was more interested in Frosty and Reindeer.
Most of her Christmas excitement was centered around seeing Christmas lights everywhere we go and singing Christmas songs. It got to the point that she would start to request which color of lights she wanted to see next. "How ' ones." At one point we were driving around in Cochrane viewing lights and we came across a house that was particularly well decorated. We looked at it for a few minutes and then started to drive away. Lucy piped up right away and said, "Dad, turn 'round please." So we went back for another look. How can you deny such manners.

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