Thursday, May 23, 2013


One of Max's favorite games to play is 'jinx'.  He's quick at it, and it has become mostly annoying, and often I regret that I am the one that taught it to him.  But it always makes me crack up when he tries to jinx Logan.

Max: jinx!  You can't talk now...
Logan: yes I can...see...

The three year old doesn't get it.  And Max laughs in a frustrated, exasperated laugh because what else can you do?

So two nights ago as Tyler and I were getting ready for bed, I was having some crazy ovulating pain.  I get ovarian cysts and they HURT.  It's been a while, but this time, it was a doozie.  I had the weird thought...what would we do if there was an emergency in the middle of the night?  Who would we call to watch our kids?  So I asked Tyler.  He suggested our friends down the street, Dave and Laura.  Good call.  But when it really came down to it, we agreed that we'd call Matt and Amanda.  Good plan.  Now let's go to sleep.  I had just purchased a new bike at Canadian Tire and I couldn't wait to ride to school with my kiddos.  They were super excited too, because we finally got bike locks for them, so they can ride their bikes too.  Totally pumped.

Bike riding was a hit, and Tyler and I even rode to the library with Logan.  I definitely got my days worth of bike riding.

After school, we're waiting for Lucy to come out.  I tell Max to leave his bike locked up because it's too crowded on the school yard for him to be riding, and he can just play on the climber while we wait.  I turn to watch for Lucy, and turn back to see Max crying and holding his arm.

He fell off the monkey bars and landed on his arm.  Snap!

We took him to Urgent Care and had it X-rayed.  It's a small green-stick fracture just above his wrist.  So he's in an half cast for a week and we go back for more x-rays to see how it's doing.  As we left for Urgent Care, our neighbours, Dave and Laura, offered to watch Lucy and Logan for us.  And it all came back to me.  Hmm...didn't we just talk about this?


I must admit that a broken bone in this boy has waited a lot longer than I thought it would.  This spring is constantly jumping and hopping and climbing on everything.  Takes after his dad I guess.  I just hope that's where the comparison ends.  I don't exactly want to deal with 13 separate broken arms.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


What do I say about our fabulously lovely trip to Alberta?  It was nearly 3-weeks long and not long enough. We played.  We ate.  We hung out and stayed up late.  (rhyming...nice).  My kids got as much cousin and grandparent time as we could possibly squeeze in...and it wasn't enough.  We wedding'd, and baptized, and birthday partied.  4 birthday parties to be exact.  Little Sarah, Callum, Lucy and Eli.
We saw sheep and lambs.  We rode dirt bikes and quads.  We swam in the hot tub.  We visited Heritage park and saw Thomas the Train.
Manicured and Pedicured.  And just had FUN!

This time it was hard to come home.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Lucy - the 8 year old

My beautiful Lucy is 8 years old.  I have been counting to this day for about 8 years now.  Baptism.  Her first covenant.
She's so beautiful.  She's friendly and kind and intelligent.  She's goofy and silly.  She shares so nicely with her brothers.  She creates magical kingdoms and games and fantasies for her brothers to join in.  Mostly they involve kittens or puppies or fairies.  She loves to draw and write.
She has crazy strong convictions already and sticks to her guns.  She loves to choose the right.  Loves it.  When we read scriptures she asks tons of questions because she really wants to know.  She wants to understand.
She reads voraciously.  She loves it.  She devours books.  We can't keep up, so it's a good thing we got a library card.  The best day of her school year so far was the day the library was finally open and she was allowed to go and actually 'sign-out' a book.
She has about 7 BFFs and can't distinguish between them.  They are all deathly important to her.
She is fiercely devoted to her family and can't stand being apart from them.
She loves riding her bike, going to the beach, (although she likes to go into the water on her own terms - so she mostly enjoys building sand castles).
She LOVES rollercoasters, which completely surprises me.  In all other things she is timid and shy, but LOVES rides.
She loves cupcakes and chocolate.  And potatoes and rice.

She is my beautiful princess and has been looking forward to her baptism since she was about 4-years-old.  So wonderful.

I've tried really hard not to get too emotional, and keeping it all in has been difficult.  I may fail tomorrow, but so far, so good.

I love this girl.  She is my heart.