Sunday, November 11, 2012

Addicted to nothing

Wow, it's been a while since I've been on here.  I'm not sure what's going on with me, but I just don't have the (time, patience, energy, desire...fill in the blank) to stay caught up with this blog lately.  Maybe I just don't have anything to say anymore.  I've said all the things.  I'm tapped out.

But then I scroll through my pictures and see cute ones like this and feel guilty for not posting and sharing them yet.  Regardless of my ho-hum-drum feelings, my kids are still growing, they're still doing cute, crazy, annoying things.  And they still deserve to be written down in history.  So here's some.

We've been dealing with sick since we got home from Alberta.  Max had the pukes last Saturday night, so he and Tyler stayed home from church on Sunday.  Then Logan had the pukes through the night Monday night (not much mommy sleep happening there), so Tyler was kind enough to stay home so I could have a nap in the morning.  We took Logan out for a walk and to play in the leaves, because in Tyler's opinion, whenever our kids are sick, "A little fresh air will do them some good."  I probably would have vegged on the couch for most of the day and let Logan sleep it off.  But this works too.

Wow, as I'm typing this I realize that it's only Sunday.  It's only been 5 days since he puked.  It feels like this has been the longest week ever!

Here's the cute pictures though.

I may have discovered my lack of blogging just now.  The crazy slowness of my computer.  Seriously, what is that sound it makes when it seems like it's not doing anything but you know it must be doing something because it's not doing what you're asking it to do, and it sounds like there are some old clock gears working inside there?  Hurry up.

Oh, and I may have discovered (I know I'm slow) the addiction that is Pinterest this week.

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