Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A positive note

As I mentioned in earlier in my 'up yours' to the flu post, there have been many blessings that have come about this week, and I thought I'd take a moment to count them. After I ranted on and on about being sick of sick, I didn't feel much better...in fact, I felt much worse and ended up laying on the bathroom floor for a while and then in bed after my husband discovered me. Today, I have decided that the sun is shining and there is light at the end of the tunnel, so I'm going to sit here and think of all the blessings we have received in the last week while being sick, to help the brighter side win out. And these are in no particular order, because that would be a lot of effort...just as they come to my mind.
1. My beautiful children...ok, it might be a bit in order, because that is definitely the top of the list...we have been house bound and pretty much useless for about 9 days, and although there have been moments of frustration and angst, my children have been patient and kind and loving through this whole ordeal. Lucy especially. Max was under the weather as well, so sitting around was alright by him, but Lucy has been a bit stir-crazy with all this nothingness, but has tried very hard every day to do something for each of us to help us feel better. She went back to school today, finally, and was probably more relieved than anyone to have something else to do.
2. My husband. He has felt so awful, but still manages to worry and fret about me, Max and the little baby. He procured us some tamiflu late in the evening on Thursday and woke up friday morning (my birthday) after a terrible night's sleep and still cheerfully wished me a happy day.
3. My in-laws. Our first few days of this (last Sunday, Monday, Tuesday), we were so out of it, that I'm not sure we would have survived if it hadn't been for Janie and Janeen. Tyler and I took turns falling asleep wherever we happened to be on Monday, and Janie took care of the kids and made sure people had things to eat. Janeen provided buckets and kleenex and juice boxes to help give us some relief. Janie ended up coming down with it herself and missed a week of work too, but always seemed to muster up some energy that I couldn't to help us out. Plus there's Scott...who never got sick, so he ended up with the lion's share of 'to-dos' in order to help us out...most of which included things that I as a mother would have liked to have done, but just couldn't, like taking my kids trick-or-treating, carving pumpkins, and running errands. He was the go-to guy, and still did everything else he normally does
4. My family. They checked in on us regularly, and although we insisted that they stay away, they reassured us many times that they wished they could help, and did the best thing they possibly could have...said lots of prayers.
5. Sam. She showed up at 9:30am on my birthday with two bags of groceries (soup, gingerale, granola bars, juice) some toys for my kids to help ward off the boredom and some flowers for me. She was in and out in less than five minutes, but it was a nice perk up to an otherwise depressing birthday.
6. The Elders. On the first Monday we were down, they rearranged their schedule very quickly in order to come out and assist Scott in giving Max, Tyler and I each a blessing. They had never done it before, and they were a bit nervous, but it definitely helped us out. We ended up being down for a lot longer after that, but the few minutes of relief we received after the blessing were a highlight to the week, and the words spoken reassured us many times, when nothing else could. Without great detail, we were blessed to come out of this without any ill effects and most importantly that our little baby would be safe and unaffected and that I would have the opportunity to raise him here on the earth. That's the type of blessing I would like to receive whether I'm sick or not, so thanks.
7. Primary Pitch-ins. I was so sick, I couldn't fulfill my calling. And my counselor and her family were in the same boat, so primary was looking like a loss for this Sunday, but my music people, my teachers, and my sister-in-law all pitched in and got it done.
8. Dr Rob. (as Max likes to call him). He is a member of our ward and is so kind and reassuring and always willing to help. A few weeks ago, Max suffered from a pulled elbow that left him in tears for hours. Tyler called Dr. Rob on the phone and was talked through how to fix it. Max now thinks Dr. Rob is a hero. Tyler also called him this past week in order for him to call in a prescription to Shoppers Drug Mart at 10pm for us. He did, and Scott picked it up. Once again, Dr. Rob is the hero.
9. Even things as simple as a change in symptoms was a blessing. It all started with aches and chills and exhaustion and proceeded to include a horrible cough that seemed to rip through my innards and cause me unbelievable contractions. The cough hung on for Tyler, but thankfully for me it moved on to my head. I did end up with a sinus infection, but was relieved to not have to worry about contractions at the same time...so that was a blessing.
10. Modern Medicine. I'm not much into taking medicine. I don't like it, and only rely on things like tylenol when I'm in A LOT of pain. Well, this week, Tylenol was my friend. Tylenol, antivirals and antibiotics now for this sinus infection. This morning I popped 5 pills before 9am, and felt like I was 80 rather than almost 30...but it's working.
11. Glimpses. I'm grateful for moments in my life like this that remind me that I am human. That I do fall susceptible to the hardships of this mortal life as well as the blessings. I was reminded frequently of the choice I made to receive a mortal body and all that it entails, and I was still grateful. Tyler and I reflected one night on the atonement and how we focus a lot on the emotional turmoil of our Savior, but were reminded of the physical turmoil he experienced as well. We know that the atonement process took about 3 hours or so, whereas this has lasted for us for about 9 days. One might think that 3 hours would seem better than 9 days, but my faith and testimony help me to realize that the agony the Savior must have felt condensed into the pressure cooker of just 3 hours, when I have been miserable and ready to give up for 9 days, must have been intense...and this is just H1N1...he suffered for it all, and for that, I am grateful. When I am low, I know he has gone lower and is now raised up...and that gives me hope.

All our love to everyone who has been concerned and to my few readers (which I know consists mainly of mine and Tyler's moms). We are feeling better. We are still low on energy, but high in spirits, and that's really all that matters. We love you and are grateful for your watchful care. Someday, we will look back on this and say, "remember that week we had H1N1? Wasn't that awful?" and the memory will be foggy and distant and we won't really remember what it was like, but I hope I'll still be aware enough to be grateful for not feeling that bad now.

1 comment:

Alison said...

so glad to hear things are looking up for you all :)