Thursday, May 3, 2007


My how time flies. Today is Lucy's 2nd birthday. I can't believe she is two years old already. We celebrated by going to the doctor this morning (not so fun), but also going to the Dollar Store to get some supplies for her big party on Saturday. She is having a Cinco de Mayo party, so we decided to pick up a pinata and some balloons. She is so excited for her party. She got many a phone call from family and friends today to wish her well, and each time someone said, "Happy Birthday Lucy", she would pause, look at me and say, "(*gasp*) they said Happy Birthday to me!" this evening we went to Tyler's parents house and had hamburgers, cake, and a few presents. Lucy's grandma got her some clothes which included a few shirts, a sweater, and some capris. Two of the pairs of capris are yoga pants, and Lucy affectionately called the yogurt pants. She'll be wearing yogurt pants to gymnastics tomorrow.

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