It started out with a good night's sleep...which, let's face it, makes all the difference. Had the windows open in Logan's room in the evening yesterday so it would cool down. I'm not sure if that's what did it, because who knows with a baby, but he slept all night.
Bangs trimmed this morning by my favorite hairstylist, Eva. What am I going to do when I move? I am SERIOUSLY picky about my hair. SERIOUSLY. One wrong snip can really make or break it, and I don't forgive. Hair is a big deal to me. Anyway, Lucy snapped this photo of me on my iPhone. Can I just say that I look awesome without glasses on. I mean, I have my eyes closed and I'm talking in this shot, and yet I still look decent...even good (dare I say). But I feel rather different about it when the glasses are on. I'm not fishing for compliments, or suggestions, just observing and stating my own personal facts. I own contacts but rarely wear them because I can usually only stand them for a few hours, and then my eyes are dry and wrecked for days afterwards. Maybe it'll be different in the humidity of Kingston. Any pair of glasses that I buy that I am even remotely excited about eventually just become 'glasses', even as jazzy as I try to get. And I can't afford laser eye surgery...yet.
So, bangs trimmed, and on to a bit of time outside before nappy time. (That is the all-inclusive word for a diaper change and Logan has been trying for days and days to just...get...inside...this barbie car. I don't even know who's it is or where it came from. Today, he succeeded. He got his little foot inside, sat on the back and reached down to grab the tiny steering wheel and made 'vroom vroom' sounds. That's something I think boys are born with...sound effects. He can't say many words past 'Ma' which is Max, 'Dadada', 'Mum' or 'Papapa', but shooting sounds and car sounds are second nature. First nature actually. Plus screeching (fun for me).
This afternoon I was VERY brave and took all 3 of my kids to the Monster Mall BY MYSELF! With only an umbrella stroller. (Thanks Angie for lending it to us...I may have to finally invest in one after all these years - who knew that a stroller didn't have to weigh 50 lbs!) I love that mall because there is something every 10 feet for the kids to get excited about and look at, and they forget that all we are doing is walking through a tile hallway looking at clothes and other boring things. I also hate it for the same reason. There is no hustle in that mall. I think we spent 85% of our time in the hallways, and15% of our time in stores. And I only say 15% because part of that was at Bass Pro Shop...not shopping, but looking at taxidermied polar bears and deer. Which the kids love. We should visit Tennessee someday.
The only REAL shopping we did was 5 minutes in a store to look at something for Tyler's graduation (the real purpose in going) which we didn't like, so we didn't get...and 10 minutes in Carter's to get summertime pjs and sun hats for the boys. My intent was to get those things at Old Navy, I even printed a 50% off one item from the Oprah website. But it turns out there is no Old Navy at the monster mall. How did I miss that?! Better question - How did THEY miss that?! Oh, and I finally got a cover for my iPhone. I dropped it in the Shopper's Drugmart parking lot the other day and chipped the corner a's about time. It's cute. White with pink cherry blossoms on it. Unfortunately I already put it on my phone and I can't figure out how to get it off, so I can't take a picture of it.
We also planned our walk around the mall with the intent to stop at the playplace just before leaving, but of course my timing is terrible, and we showed up at 2:55, only to find out it closes at 3:00 for cleaning. I begged the lady to let my kids play for the 5 minutes, and she agreed. Then I promised the kids that we would sit on one of those ride-on toys they have every 15 feet after since they didn't get much 'play time'. I had no money, so they just got to sit, but it worked. Plus a stop at kernels for some popcorn. By-the-way, this is not bribery, because I don't believe in it. If they don't behave, we skip it...but their good behavior is expected because it's expected, not because they get a treat or play time. I just figure if I'm going to drag 3 kids under the age of 6 to a mall for 2 hours, then we should schedule in some stuff for them too. It's how I roll.
Long drive home and now Logan is napping, my kid's are up at Grandma's 'helping' her make dinner for us and the missionaries tonight, and I'm blogging, painting my nails, and surfing the internet for this elusive gift for Tyler's graduation. How did I get so lucky? I have managed to get out of making dinner almost every night this week. I think I only made dinner on Tuesday. Not too shabby. Usually I love to cook, but something about the hot weather and having my husband away for 2 weeks completely zaps the desire to cook right out of me.
Oh, and the other great part about today? It's my last day alone. One more sleep!! We're picking Tyler up at the airport tomorrow at 2 and we can't wait. We've already made a welcome home sign, which is the best thing I've ever seen, but I can't show it yet, in case Tyler reads the blog tonight (doubt it, but just in case), and I've promised the kids that we'll go to the airport early so they have time to look at planes, check out the "Who's Who at the Zoo" store and play in the playplace there...hopefully we don't hit it at cleaning time!
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