"Jimma Bells, Jimma Bells!"
and let's us continue until it's time to say "HEY!", which he yells really loud.
Then, when we get to "a one-horse open sleigh", he says, "Sama" (because almost everything he says has an 'a' on the end of it). This was the name of one of our horses that pulled our sleigh on Saturday. So now, Jimma Bells is synonymous with Sam the horse. It's adorable.
He is talking way more now. I love this age. He's figuring things out and the way he pronounces things is the sweetest. He calls himself 'huntsum' (for Handsome), and when he wants something he says, "num tum' which I think means, "want some". We sing songs before he goes to sleep and right now his favourite is the Daddy Song. (I'm so glad when daddy comes home).
And Lucy has become quite the chef. A French Chef at that, since her specialty is French Toast. She helped out in the kitchen at the branch brunch and has been asking often (which is a lot in only 2 days) if she can do it again. So we had French Toast for dinner last night.
The kids also found out that they are eligible to belt-test this Saturday at TKD. They can move up from a white belt to a white belt with yellow stripes. Lucy is VERY excited. Max is a bit indifferent. Lucy also wants to keep doing TKD in the New Year, and Max does not. This is not what we expected. When we were going to TKD last night, Lucy informed me that she's excited to get a new belt so she doesn't have to wear just plain old white to TKD. The yellow stripe will add a little colour. Not sure if her excitement is for advancing in TKD or fashion oriented.
We're heading into a crazy couple of weeks before we head to Alberta for Christmas. Every night, we have something going on. It's crazy. We also realized this morning that we have been stressing about our baggage weight going to and from on the Airplane, but the real stress is actually fitting all of our luggage AND us in our little car. So now the plan is to pretty much open ALL of our gifts here at home first. Lucy was a bit disappointed to hear, but I just don't see how we can do it any other way. Tyler and I might do a test-run of packing to see how much luggage it will actually be. It's hard when you're doing winter packing, because you have to account for boots and coats, mittens, snow pants and the like. Adding presents just makes it way over the top. Plus gifts coming home. Crazy. It'll be an adventure...that's for sure.
My mom, sisters and niece and nephew are flying to Disneyland today for 5 days. I'm jealous. I want to go to that place again SO badly. Someday. I just keep telling myself. Someday.
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