So far, this holiday Monday has not disappointed. Tyler and I were up LATE last night skyping with my family. They were all at my parent's for Thanksgiving dinner. 22 people! I tried not to think about it too much. We skyped until nearly 1am. It was great to get turkey tips from my dad. Catch up with my sisters. And laugh with my brother and his wife. Good times.
Logan was crying in the night which disrupted my already shortened sleep, but we lounged in bed this morning, so that made up for it.
I like being a bit slow and getting ready at our own pace and hanging out, because we have no where to be. Our hanging out was interrupted by a knock at the door though. Owen and Nick from down the street were coming to ask Max to play. That's pretty much awesome to me. They're 8 and 10. They ride the bus with my kids and are really nice boys. So they (including Lucy) headed down the street to the sandbox at the end of our road to play. They were out all morning.
Logan and I headed to the mall to get an Electric Roaster and some milk from Zellers. Actually, I went to get one from Sears that was advertised yesterday for $49.99, and then this morning it was $69.99. Nice Sears. I see how you roll. I decided to check Zellers since I was there, and I had to get a shopping cart anyway. I can't carry an Electric Roaster and Logan at the same time. Go figure. And Sears doesn't have carts. Everything you buy at Sears is big. Why wouldn't they have carts?
Got the cart from Zellers, checked out their Roaster...$39.99. Booyah Sears. Take that!
We went to a few stores to check things out. It's nice being at the mall with just one kid. Especially when the mall is SUPER quiet. Just me and a few old people. Nice.
Came home. Cleaned my kitchen. Made lunch (grill cheese!), cleaned my kitchen. Cleaned the turkey and got it set in the Roaster. Cleaned the kitchen. Made dough for buns. Cleaned the kitchen. I'm sensing a pattern here.
Now the potatoes are peeled a chopped (thanks to my hard-working muscle).
Max and Tyler went for a drive to check out a van that was for sale. We saw it on the side of the road on the way to church yesterday. It's a pretty good deal. We'll see. I could be the owner of a Pontiac Montana again. I'm ok with that. It has an automatic sliding door. That is heaven to me. Heaven. Simple things people.
Now we're chilling while the stuff cooks, Logan sleeps, and Tyler takes the van back.
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