In the morning she got a bit upset and said she was really going to miss Kindergarten. (I can't blame her). I think she's finding it especially difficult because kids have been saying, 'see you in September!', which she won't. She doesn't know any of her classmates that will be with her in September. She also said that Grade One is the end of fun. All you do is sit in a desk all day. I really hope that's not the case. I would find that boring too.
I remember that Grade One introduced me to my favorite teacher, Mrs. Dyck. She was awesome. She smelt like coffee, but she was so sweet. The classroom was decorated with the seasons of the year, and we always got lots of 'phys-ed' time, which to a 6-year-old is awesome. I was less excited about gym when I hit High School. Dodgeball seems a lot more fun for grade one than grade 10.
When I was in grade 3 I got to go with a bunch of students from the class BACK to Mrs. Dyck's class where she would read to us everyday. We were in a 3/4 split and that was usually when the teacher was trying to focus on the grade 4 material. She read "Where the Red Fern Grows." It's still one of my favorite books.
I hope Lucy still loves school. And I hope her teacher is just as awesome. At least her and Max get to ride the bus together Tuesdays and Thursdays and every second Friday. Maybe they'll get to have lunch together too...I'm not sure how that works.
The class celebrated the end of the year with a party. It was scheduled for outside at a farm, but the weather has been so rainy here these past couple of weeks that I suggested we move it to the gym at our church so we could be inside. It worked out great. I went early to meet the 'bounce-house' guy, so he could set up. This meant that Max got first crack at the giant pirate bounce-house. Heavenly.
They kid's a very loud, very wild time. A few bumps and bruises and bleeding noses, but all in all it was great. Lucy fell out of the bounce-house near the beginning and spent most of her time sitting or playing in our 'smaller', 'tamer' bounce-house.
They also set up nail-art, coloring, and tattoos. The kids also got a chance to sing some of their favorite songs and have a snack.
She brought home a backpack and gift-bag full of stuff. Scrapbooks and journals and artwork that she has made throughout the year. Now I have to stare at this stack and decide what to keep and for how long. I want to keep it all forever...and yet I want to pitch it, because it'll just sit in a box. But one day she might want to look at her kindergarten handwriting and she loved drawing pictures of ducks and her family. I know I'll keep it - it's just the moving-mind that has me pairing down on non-essentials. It's a matter of perspective.
I'm especially excited that she is done school and it is only June 2nd. 3-months of summer...I think so.
Oh, and here's my gangsta Logan. With his shorts that are ALMOST at his ankles (thanks to a skinny older brother, these shorts are size 2 and fit Logan in the waist, but he has a bit to go in the legs), and his teething beads.
When was the last time I had a post that didn't include a bounce-house?
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