(seriously, isn't that the best face!)
On July 2nd, we decided to make use of our park passes and headed out to calaway park with Papa, and Jacob, Jason and Ali. Grandma met us there and we spent a few hours on the kiddie rides. It wasn't too busy, so the kids didn't have to wait in too many lines, which is always a plus.
The park handed out KD crackers and chips, which the kids also enjoyed...which made my packed snack of cucumber and apples a little less exciting. Lucy got $5 for her birthday from her Great-Grandma, which she has been keeping in my wallet ever since. And it was on this day that she finally decided to spend it. On a bag of cotton candy, which she kindly shared with everyone. The bag cost $4.75, so now she still has a quarter she has to decide what to do with, but I think she felt it was money well spent.
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