This morning we were privileged to attend the Groundbreaking ceremony for the Calgary Alberta Temple. The temple site was announced in the Fall 2008 General Conference and the people of this city have been greatly anticipating it's commencement. The past year and a half have been spent getting renderings drawn and approved by the First Presidency of the Church and now they are ready to begin. This temple will service the entire city of Calgary and surrounding area, however the site could not accommodate the 18,000 members that reside in and around our beautiful city. We were instructed in Sacrament meeting that the ceremony would be broadcast to the 6 stake centers around the city, and 250 parking passes were distributed - leaving 4 per ward. As a family, we decided it was important for us to attend this event, as it's pretty much once in a lifetime, so we made special effort to make sure we could be there.
As a ward family, we decided to do everything we could to make sure anyone who wanted to attend, would be able. We acquired a parking pass and contacted 6 other families in the ward to carpool to NW Calgary and park at Walmart, after dropping their families at the Royal Oak Chapel, and then each of the drivers carpooled back to the site in one vehicle, so we would only take up one spot in the parking lot. Not a bad idea...if I do say so as the wife of the genius who came up with it. Chairs were set up for 1000 people, but we were told that no one would be turned away.
We arrived at the site at 10am in preparation for the 11am ceremony. We were greeted by familiar faces from our stake and city and unfamiliar, but friendly faces of our faith. At one point, we spotted Guy Elford in his helicopter taking aerial photos of the event. Max was sure to announce to everyone around that this was the helicopter that Dad flew!
It was warm outside and we spent the next hour visiting and playing with the kids waiting in anticipation. Finally, the ceremony began, and our kids' energy wained...but they were quiet and relaxed on a blanket at our feet, out of the sun.
There were musical numbers by a special choir, and talks given by Elder Melchin (the area authority and our previous stake president), Elder William Walker (a member of the quorum of the 70 and executive director of the temple department), and his wife, and Elder Donald Hallstrom (a member of the presidency of the Quorum of the 70) and his wife.
There were many visiting dignitaries from the Calgary, Alberta, and Canadian Government, including Mayor Dave Bronconier and a letter was read from our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. We were touched by their support and involvement in the proceedings and especially appreciated Stephen Harper's words of encouragement and support.
The Dedicatory Prayer was given by Elder Hallstrom and then the groundbreaking took place. Those who spoke were invited to break ground as well as the stake presidents from the city and their wives, Patriarch Melchin and his wife, former Stake Presidency members, the government dignitaries, and then some kids who were sitting near the front. The it was open to anyone who wanted to come forward and take a picture and 'break ground'. Max was so proud to have helped in the building of our very own temple. So proud, that he did it twice.
We took family photos, and shared family hugs and tears on this momentous occasion. We were even privileged to hear "We Thank Thee O God For A Prophet" from Ian Miller on his bagpipes.
I know that my kids will most likely not remember this event, but I felt strongly that setting an example, even at this young age, of the sacrifices we make for temple work and service will only serve them positively in the future. I look forward to the Open House and Dedication that is scheduled to happen in two-years time. I remember the re-dedication of the Cardston temple when I was 8-years old. When I attended the temple when I was an adult, I could recall the familiarity of the building because I had been there before. I'm sure if I had never been there, it would still feel like home, but a knowledge that THIS temple will be the one that my kids will probably spend the majority of their temple service at, makes days like today extra special.
We ended the event off with a meltdown from Maxwell as we told him we were leaving to go home and to pick up some lunch. He screamed and cried that he wanted to eat there, even though we kept trying to rationalize with him that there was no food there. I imagine it was a mixture of a late night, early morning, hot sun, hunger, and a 3-year-old boy mentality, but I like to think it was because he felt the spirit of the occasion and the place, and just didn't want to leave it. One of the things I will always remember is the council given by Sister Diane Hallstrom. She said that while she had attended a temple dedication service, someone had given them council to hang a picture of the temple in each of their children's rooms so they would see it every day and the importance of that place would be ever present in their minds and hearts. She encouraged us to do the same - so I will go and find a picture of our temple to hang in my children's room. There is no other place more important, and no other desire I have greater in my heart than to see my children enter there and participate in the saving ordinances therein.
1 comment:
Just skimmed through your article-what a good thing you are doing for your family!
Just one addition for your interest-in the helicopter was Guy Elford as Pilot and Shand Watson as co-pilot and camerman.
Guy and Shand both have their pilot liscences and fly together often.
Shand's overly proud mom!
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