I've heard all those rhymes about snakes and snails and puppy-dog tails...which don't make any sense, since the only part of that sentence my boy would like is the puppy-dog tails. MY little boy? Well, he's made up of broken legs
(just scratches at this point, but he likes to tell me it's broken), building towers,
and hiding socks! I just don't know where he gets it, or why he does it. I will find little boy socks hidden in the strangest places around my house. I can guarantee that I will put a pair of socks on my boy first thing in the morning, and within 2 hours they'll both be gone...usually in different places. I don't know if he has squishy toes, or sweaty feet...but the socks MUST come off! If I ask him within a few hours of him taking them off, he can almost for sure tell me exactly where they are...but any more than that and his brain has filled up with other important information and the sock whereabouts falls out an ear or something...only to be discovered by me at some later date in the weirdest of places. I took some pictures today as I was tidying of some locations where I found socks. At the top of the stairs going into my bedroom.
Between the washer and dryer.
And the strangest? Under Lucy's pillow.
I discovered that one as I was scooting Lucy into bed and trying to adjust her pillow. If we're out at other people's houses, he fortunately has learnt to stick his socks in his shoes, so we know where they are when it's time to leave. It'll forever drive me crazy (since most of the time I only find one at a time and that makes laundry a pain).
Fortunately, my little boy is also made up of chunkies and tasty-parts. The chunkies are his thighs, which he freely allows me to 'eat' and the tasty-parts is his neck...which again, he lets me eat, but not his dad...I think his dad's face is too scratchy for snacks. He is also made up of cuddles and hugs and kisses...which I love.
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