At least one time everyday Lucy puts herself voluntarily into solitary confinement. She goes into her room and shuts the door and Mom, Dad, and Max are not allowed in. She usually plays with her dolls and reads them stories, makes bottles for them and puts them down for naps. Most importantly she is freed from her brother who is constantly trying to play with her and interrupt her games. Max usually gets pretty upset at these times because her door shuts right in his face, as he is always two steps behind her at all times. He cries at the door and knocks and then tries to look underneath to find her. He's a far cry from reaching the doorknob so it's a good system for her. I allow these times to happen because I figure since she rarely has naps anymore she still needs a little downtime everyday. Dad tried to go into her room the other day during one of these moments and even he got turned away.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Solitary Confinement
At least one time everyday Lucy puts herself voluntarily into solitary confinement. She goes into her room and shuts the door and Mom, Dad, and Max are not allowed in. She usually plays with her dolls and reads them stories, makes bottles for them and puts them down for naps. Most importantly she is freed from her brother who is constantly trying to play with her and interrupt her games. Max usually gets pretty upset at these times because her door shuts right in his face, as he is always two steps behind her at all times. He cries at the door and knocks and then tries to look underneath to find her. He's a far cry from reaching the doorknob so it's a good system for her. I allow these times to happen because I figure since she rarely has naps anymore she still needs a little downtime everyday. Dad tried to go into her room the other day during one of these moments and even he got turned away.
I wish Josh would voluntarily shut himself in his room sometimes! We call that "quiet time" in our house but I put Josh in his room. He's allowed to read books or do puzzles-anything that doesn't involve noise. Then I get a quiet time too!
maybe auntie alison should teach max how to push a chair up to the door, stand on it and open the door! It would open up a whole new world for him, don't you think?
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