A few weeks ago we introduced Lucy to a new family game called "headbanz". It's a fairly old game, so I'm sure most people have heard of it. It's definitely a different game when you play it with a two year old though. We had to search through the cards to help find characters and objects that Lucy would know...and then instead of her asking us questions to narrow down the results, we gave her clues. She enjoyed being a Mermaid, a Sports Car, a Bubble Bath, and a Belly Button. She was able to guess them fairly quickly, and even helped mom guess hers very quickly too. When it was my turn, I had a card on my head that said "Bowling Pin" and Lucy right away whispered, "Mom, think bowling!" She got tired of the game pretty quickly though, as we had too many people playing and so her turn didn't come around often enough to keep her attention.
Now onto the subject of Best Friends. Lucy, Tyler and I have always told each other we were best buddies, even before Lucy could talk...and she picked up on the statement pretty quickly once she could talk. It's fun to see her developing a friendship with a new best buddy now...her brother Max. The two of them are like peas in a pod. Hard to separate. Whenever Lucy is in the room, Max wants to be able to see her. If she is running around, then he wants to be standing up and he kicks his legs just wanting to be running with her. If she's laughing, then he's laughing. They like to lay in Lucy's bed in the morning and cuddle before breakfast. She is constantly telling him she loves him and that he's her best buddy, and I think in his screeching and grunting, he is trying to tell her the same thing. I hope they are always as good of friends as they are now. Even when Max is crying a lot, Lucy will laugh and say, "Max! You're driving me crazy!" But right away she will go to him and stroke his cheek and say, "It's ok Max. I'm here." It doesn't calm him down, but it usually calms me down. I think the must have been pretty good friends in the pre-existence and are so excited to be reunited here on earth. I can remember while I was pregnant that Lucy would talk to my belly and tell Max all the fun things they were going to do when he came out. She liked to give him a hug every day. One time, she yelled at my belly, "Max! Do you wanna play cards?" I'm sure he'd love to play cards with you soon sweetie.