Oh the things kids come up with these days. This post may be a bit choppy, but to illustrate my point effectively, you'll have to hear all the examples that have occurred over the past week. On Sunday (the 25th) we were at Tyler's parent's house for dinner and got on the subject of kids embarrassing their parents. Tyler had recently taught Lucy what 'butt cheeks' were and was soon seeing the error of his ways as Lucy decided to point out to everyone that they had butt cheeks. Tyler's mom reminded us of the time she was shopping with Tyler as a young boy at The Bay and as they were standing in the check-out line, he turned to a lady in line and said, "You're the biggest lady I've ever seen!" Of course, Janie was mortified and apologized. The lady seemed to take it in stride and merely said, "I bet I am the biggest lady you've ever seen."
Janie then proceeded to tell us a story of Tyler's cousin. She was a few years old and was in the grocery store with her dad. As they walked down an aisle (her in the cart and him pushing) she suddenly yelled out, "Daddy has a small peanut" Now, the story is second hand, and 25+ years old, so the context is unknown, but funny just the same.
Next example: Alison and the kids came for a visit on Tuesday and brought a yummy lasagna dinner. As we were sitting around talking, it was time for Max to eat. I got myself situated and covered up and proceeded to feed Max in the living room while Cy, Jillian and Lucy played, and Alison and Tyler and I chatted. At one point, Cy came up to me and asked what I was doing. I told him the I was feeding Max. He asked what I was feeding him. I said milk. (you can see this is not going anywhere good). He then asked me HOW I was feeding him, and I told him "that's a question for your mom." Alison proceeded to tell him that this is why girls have boobs. When they have babies they are able to make milk to feed their baby, and eventually when the baby gets old enough, the milk goes away...(this is the best part)...just like a cow. I'm sure mothers everywhere appreciate my sister comparing us to cows! Cy kind of made a funny face, accepted the explanation, and wisely had no more questions to ask.
Alison then reminded us of the time Cy asked how babies 'get out' of their mom's tummies. (This was around the time Lucy and Emma were born). Alison explained that with Jillian, the doctors just cut open her tummy and took her out. This was cool sounding to Cy, but of course he wanted to know what happened with himself. Alison explained a tame version of labor and child-birth to Cy, to which he responded to by saying, "wow, that sounds like a lot of work." Very astute my boy...very astute.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
9 days
After 9 days of life in this world, Max is still doing great. The family is surviving on a few hours of sleep a night and we're looking forward to the days when that will change, but for now we're enjoying this tiny boy. Lucy and Max are "best buddies" and she enjoys helping mom by loading the diaper bag, and giving Max kisses. She really enjoys getting a chance to hold him as well. As to be expected, there is a little bit of confusion and jealousy, but nothing that is doable. You can tell she's out of sorts a little bit. I think she is more worried about mom and dad leaving again than anything. Because I went into labor in the middle of the night, she woke up to have Grandma at home with her rather than mom or dad. I think it threw her off a bit, so anytime we're walking down the hallway or going into another room without explaining it to her she says, "Don't go!" She is also more insistent on someone staying with her in her room until she falls asleep.
It's hard to say who Max looks more like at this point. When he was first born he definitely looked like Lucy, only with a distinctly boy face. Now we have a hard time deciding whether he's got more Williamson or Bourne in him. Either way he's cute.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Maxwell Scott Williamson
Monday, March 19, 2007
40 Weeks
Well, tomorrow if my official due date, and no baby yet. We went to the obstetrician this afternoon and she gave us some promising feedback, although we've heard a similar story before. I am 3cm dilated already, and 75% effaced. She doesn't think we'll make it through the week and even joked that she's on-call on Thursday evening so why don't we just plan to see her then. I wish it were that easy. I seem to remember with Lucy that I was 2cm dilated for about 2 weeks, and even after a few hours of contractions at home, we went into the hospital where they congratulated me on being 2cm already...har har.
Anyway, I thought I'd write a quick note to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Tyler (tomorrow) just in case something does happen tonight and I don't get a chance to write tomorrow. 26 years old. If there is no baby news by tomorrow, we'll be celebrating by eating Angel Food cake and chinese food...and of course Tyler will be playing hockey. Hope it's a good one for you love.
Anyway, I thought I'd write a quick note to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Tyler (tomorrow) just in case something does happen tonight and I don't get a chance to write tomorrow. 26 years old. If there is no baby news by tomorrow, we'll be celebrating by eating Angel Food cake and chinese food...and of course Tyler will be playing hockey. Hope it's a good one for you love.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
It really does Exist!
Tonight we received a bunch of pictures from Tammy dating back to a baby shower for Lucy. (I was a little apprehensive to see pictures since they do call it a shower and only women are invited and most of them are my family). As it turns out though it looks like the evening was actually quite boring...especially for those speaking with Traudi Kane.
As Heather and I ran through the pictures we were in stitches by the time we were at the end. I guess that's what you get from running through a bunch of pictures...digital papercuts! So thanks Tam-e for the laugh and the pictures of tiny Lucy. By the way, the picture of Sam is a little blurry as are all pictures taken of the elusive Sam-squatch!
As Heather and I ran through the pictures we were in stitches by the time we were at the end. I guess that's what you get from running through a bunch of pictures...digital papercuts! So thanks Tam-e for the laugh and the pictures of tiny Lucy. By the way, the picture of Sam is a little blurry as are all pictures taken of the elusive Sam-squatch!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
30th Year
At one point during the evening, my niece Jillian, who is 5, told me that I look like Santa. I'm assuming she meant my jolly demeanor and not my jolly waist-line. I guess tact is not something a 5-year-old is built with.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Nana's Birthday
She enjoyed visiting with everyone and playing yahtzee. So far, Lucy is the only great-great-grandchild, so we have 5 living generations on that side of the family. The new baby will be the second. We had a fun evening and Lucy enjoyed playing with the "old toys", such as the wheelchair.
Happy Birthday sweet Nana.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Big Girl and Baby Blues
Lucy slept in a big girl bed today for the first time. We've had the bed set up in her room for a couple of days now, but have been waiting until we got some linens before she was allowed to use it. When we woke up this morning I told her we would get to make her bed today and that she could sleep in it for her nap. As she helped me make the bed, she would let out little squeals of excitement, and as soon as we were done, she said she was ready for a a nap right away...this was at 9:30 in the morning. We proceeded to make cookies for dad, play games and have lunch, and then it was time for nap. It took her a few minutes longer to fall asleep than usual, with so many different things to look at, but once she was asleep, she slept great. As I left her room, I felt a little bit of sadness at having such a big girl, that I crept back in and took a picture of her sleeping.
The other night (Tuesday) I started having some major contractions around 10:30pm. They were about 8 minutes apart and the whole episode lasted for about an hour and then subsided. In the meantime, Tyler was watching the clock and we were both discussing whether this could be 'it' or not. I started to feel a little panicky and told him I wasn't ready yet. For 2 weeks I've been walking around telling people that "I'm done" and the prospect of being in labour scared me to death. there were so many things I still wanted to get done before the baby came. I've been sewing a quilt for the baby which still wasn't finished and I knew I would get done if I didn't finish before he was born. And then little things like some laundry, cleaning the house one more time, and picking up a few things, like groceries. Over the last 2 days I have managed to get all of those things done, so now I feel prepared. I wouldn't quite call it nesting, because I haven't had a sudden burst of energy or anything, just the drive to finally get things done and stop procrastinating. Now I feel ready and I'm sure the baby won't come for weeks.
As Tyler and I were counting minutes between contractions the other night (which is much like counting the seconds after a lightening flash before the thunder), I got a bit emotional and told him I was worried about what having a 2nd child would mean. I was worried, not that I wouldn't have enough love for both, but that I would be busy and Lucy would feel the brunt of that. We've been just two peas for a long time and it's hard to imagine it being any other way. As a result, we spent a "Lucy and Mom" day today. We didn't leave the house and all and spent every moment together, except while she was sleeping. We baked cookies, played cards, did puzzles, sang songs, and just hung out together. It felt good to share that time with her. Tomorrow I'm hoping to take her swimming, just the two of us as well.
Monday, March 5, 2007
Snow Family
This afternoon as Lucy woke up from her nap, I realized what a beautiful afternoon it had turned out to be, so we put on sweaters and boots and headed outside to play. She decided to bring her soccer ball and some cups to play in the snow. We spent a while kicking the ball around and then decided to build miniature snowmen using her cups. The first snowman we created she said was Dad so we decided to make a whole snowman family (left to right: mom, dad, Lucy, Max). They are sitting proudly on our front porch. When Papa got home, he decided that she needed to see what a real snowman looked like and proceeded to build a 5 foot snowman in front of their house.
We joined Tyler's family for dinner and FHE this evening as well. As we were preparing dinner she had a few raisins in her hand and asked me if I wanted to play a game. I asked her what type of game she wanted to play and she responded, "The raisin game." I told her I wasn't sure I knew that one. She then proceeded to throw a raisin to which I said, "oh, Lucy, don't throw them." She charmingly replied, "but that's the game!" We then took raisins and blueberries and hid them in measuring cups. I told her not to peak, which she got a kick out of and soon wanted a turn to hide them on mom too.
During dinner, there was a lot of talking and a little bickering. At one point Lucy told everyone that there was no talking at the table. Jason asked where she came up with this stuff and then proceeded to say that anything weird that she says must come from her dad. She replied by saying, "Jason, that's enough!" in a very stern voice.
For FHE we learnt about the atonement and enjoyed singing nursery songs for the activity portion of the evening. Lucy stood at the front of the living room with an Archie Comic in hand and led us as we sang "Child of God" and "Follow the Prophet". She then proceeded into the less spiritual songs, such as Popcorn Popping, and Mah-na Mah-na, from the Muppets. She had all of us laughing with her chorister abilities. It was a pretty great FHE.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
March Madness
Janeen had a few friends over last night and we enjoyed Costco pizza, chips, pop...the usual party fare. The kids went bowling at some ridiculous hour and had a blast. I say ridiculous because now that we are married and have children, anything that begins after 9:00pm seems ridiculous. As it stands, it is 10:00pm right now, I am in my pjs, completely ready for bed and just trying to get this post out before I fall asleep. I remember in my Young Adult years, the evening would just be beginning.
As for today's celebrations, we had a wonderful Roast Beast Dinner at Janie's, which was filled with the usual arguments about which gravy tastes better (non-fat, or 'real' gravy) and about how many yorkshire puddings each person was allowed to have. The meal was followed by infamous donuts made by the Williamson's grandma Maurine. They were brought in before dinner and most had a hard time maintaining their fast while the donuts sat in the room. As you can see Lucy enjoyed them immensely too and successfully spoiled her dinner - although Tyler claims that one of the perks of being an adult is knowing that you can't actually 'spoil' your appetite, it always comes back.
Happy 15th Birthday Janeen!